A rather sweet site about how cool your mum and dad were in their day.
Like a positive version of
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Friday, 23 October 2009
Sorry ladies - its official, he's off the market!

HUGE congrats to our very own Dan D dan dan dan, aka 'the Hulsinator' who got engaged yesterday!
Look forward to the champers Dan Hulse - she's a very brave lady! :):)
Thursday, 22 October 2009

So we decided to tell them, placing ads in the Daily Mirror, Star and Sun.
In the words of Marcus Graftus, 'Your time has come!'
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
St Lukes’ ongoing Green transformation

As you all know, St Lukes is going the extra mile to make sure the agency’s carbon footprint is limited to the lowest level possible. We kicked off last Friday on St Luke’s day with Nimi’s presentation and posters have been put up to remind everyone of the efforts we each need to make. And of course, there is the pledge everyone has signed, if you haven’t, hurry! The pledge will be put on the wall, out of reach and for everyone to admire the commitment this agency has made.
The next step will consist in putting up signage to indicate recycling bins:
• Toners/ cartridges (between the couches and Roy’s station)
• DVDs/CDs next to TV
• Batteries (on top of one of the couches)
• And general waste bins at the end of each pod for all the rest
• Also, a new label in the kitchen, for glass/porcelain.
Hopefully, these will be put up as soon as possible and you are kindly asked by the entire EMS team to respect them if you do not want to be yelled at. I would like to remind you that an inspector will be coming around to check whether or not we are worthy of the ISO 14001 certification.
Beware Mum & Dad will be watching you…and to that you have to add the stalking intern!!
Monday, 19 October 2009
Friday saw St Lukers celebrating our namesake’s day. After bacon sandwiches, and with the image of beautiful new meeting rooms fixed firmly in our mind, we donned jumpsuits to rise to the challenge of those four dreaded words: CLEAR OUT THE BASEMENT.
Some interesting discoveries were made:
1) We had enough furniture to kit out an entire 80s advertising office (internet surfing chairs that look like ironing boards! Remember them?! No? Probably best not to…)
2) Neil Henderson still has table football skills
3) Coral the intern is excellent at bubble wrapping (thanks Coral btw)
The good news is it won’t be long til the basement is refurbished and we can expand downstairs. Plus we created a mini freecycle, supplying most of Bloomsbury with new furniture and books. Enjoy everyone.

1) We had enough furniture to kit out an entire 80s advertising office (internet surfing chairs that look like ironing boards! Remember them?! No? Probably best not to…)
2) Neil Henderson still has table football skills
3) Coral the intern is excellent at bubble wrapping (thanks Coral btw)

Thursday, 15 October 2009
St Luke's wins Harvester

We're very happy to announce Harvester, the Mitchells & Butlers owned restaurant chain, has hired us for its new account.
Harvester have briefed us to produce a campaign which will launch next year.
Simon Cope, Director of Marketing at Mitchells and Butlers said, "St Luke's have created an idea that will form the basis of our communications for the next five years. We were impressed by their deep insight and ability to create a powerful agenda that will affect all parts of the Harvester business".
Eyes Shut Sunday Shoot

Seamus Ryan, the photographer we worked with on our recent RNIB campaign, opens the doors of his Columbia Road studio on Sundays to photograph the public in his renowned Sunday Shoots.
This Sunday he is conducting a special Sunday Shoot, in support of our RNIB campaign.
He will invite the public into his studio and shoot them with their eyes closed, in contemplation of the question 'What would you lose from your life is you lost your sight'.
Everyone is welcome, so please join us at Seamus' studio just off Columbia road (7 Ezra Street, E2 7HR) and show your support for RNIB by posing for a photo.
For more info check out
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Twitter or How Citizens Have Spoken

Social media has yet again given proof it enhances democratic participation. Twitter users have cracked the mystery behind the gagging order silencing the Guardian’s reporting of a parliamentary question. Twitter investigators published the details of the entire affair late Monday night and ended up in various blogs and in the press starting with The Private Eye. The subject was mentioned in no less than 3,000 tweets in 15 min on Tuesday.
The breach of freedom of press was orchestrated by Carter-Ruck, the law firm representing Trafigura, a multinational oil company. It obtained an injunction preventing the Guardian from reporting on a question tabled this Monday by Labour MP Paul Farrelly. The ‘super-injunction’ prevented disclosures about toxic oil waste, Trafigura arranged to dump in the Ivory Coast, where inhabitants of the capital, Abidjan suffered from “flu-like symptoms" they might have gotten following the dumping”.
This whole story raises debate on several issues: the questions of oil dumping and ‘super-injunctions’ under which “commercial corporations claim the right to keep secret the fact they have been to court”, and the growing power of social media and the different ways it can be used to serve democracy.
Doesn’t it confirm, once again, that London is the social media capital of the world?
Monday, 12 October 2009
mmmm How Divine! It's Chocolate week!

I was very delighted to receive the latest Divine Chocolate newsletter announcing that Chocolate Week starts from the 12th October !! Whoo hoo! It's co-sponsored by Divine Chocolate with loads of promotions and events happening up and down the country all week.
To celebrate I whipped up a batch of Pecan Brownies using one of the recipes from a link in the newsletter.
I used dark Divine Chocolate (of course!)and in addition to the pecans I added macadamia nuts & glace cherries! Yum! They'll be on the HUB for you to enjoy after lunch!
Delphina x
ps to sign up for the newsletter and to find out out more about all the events go to the link
Friday, 9 October 2009
Thanks to The Young Creative Council post on FB extolling the joys of geekdom (as if we need convincing...), which included this staggering clip from Ukraine's Got Talent.
ITV just looked even cheaper...
ITV just looked even cheaper...
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Friday, 2 October 2009
RNIB and issues of sight loss have had presence this week at the Labour party conference. Michael Foster MP took RNIB's maze challenge where people were blindfolded and had to carry out daily tasks like shopping and using the ATM. He said; “Taking RNIB’s Maze Challenge gave me a new perspective on the huge challenges people face when they begin to lose their sight and the patchy support available in many areas. It is time for the Government to prioritise support at the time of sight loss - it is unacceptable that when you most need it, you may struggle to find the right help." What a great way to get a politician to think about the issue.
Read the article
Read the article
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