As you all know, St Lukes is going the extra mile to make sure the agency’s carbon footprint is limited to the lowest level possible. We kicked off last Friday on St Luke’s day with Nimi’s presentation and posters have been put up to remind everyone of the efforts we each need to make. And of course, there is the pledge everyone has signed, if you haven’t, hurry! The pledge will be put on the wall, out of reach and for everyone to admire the commitment this agency has made.
The next step will consist in putting up signage to indicate recycling bins:
• Toners/ cartridges (between the couches and Roy’s station)
• DVDs/CDs next to TV
• Batteries (on top of one of the couches)
• And general waste bins at the end of each pod for all the rest
• Also, a new label in the kitchen, for glass/porcelain.
Hopefully, these will be put up as soon as possible and you are kindly asked by the entire EMS team to respect them if you do not want to be yelled at. I would like to remind you that an inspector will be coming around to check whether or not we are worthy of the ISO 14001 certification.
Beware Mum & Dad will be watching you…and to that you have to add the stalking intern!!
We're going to issue 'Green Asbos' for any offenders... :)
ASBO tags will be made of reinforced cardboard and will be recyclable! I will not hesitate to issue them to any non-recycling offenders!
Mum :)
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