Monday 18 January 2010

2010 is the year when...

Heart's Skiff e-reader

For some people, predicting future trends has more to do with science than a crystal ball. It is a January tradition after all.
Here is a selection of the most predictable forecasts:

1- The integration of media has reached a point where it will become more and more difficult to remember on which of your numerous screens, you watched that last episode of Glee. Was it on live view TV? Or was it on that streaming video website?

2- 2010 is the year when consumers become an entitled source of content, in simpler words, crowd- sourcing is here to stay and will become an integral part of the marketing toolbox.

3-In 2009, the long-coming demise of traditional print media had quite a few unprecedented consequences: freesheets closing down, another trying out the business model and more importantly, some media mogul’s threatening plan to charge online content. At the same time, the New York Times comes out with an article stating that newspapers remain the leading source of information. So, there is a future for the old media all the more so as it seems 2010 will see the young ones read more while the old will spend more time playing games.

4- 2010 is also the year of electric cars and more specifically mass market all-electric cars. Most automotive brands have been working on EV (electric vehicle) models. Although today most EVs are completely new models, there seems to be a growing trend towards popular models being made into all-electric vehicles or more generally hybrid cars. This is true for Mercedes, Smart and Porsche in particular. This will certainly help convince more conservative consumers to switch to more environmentally- friendly vehicles.
Take a look at some of these cars:

5- Last but not least, 2010 will see Google Wave explode and the tablet invade the mass market. If you are still unsure of what the tablet can do for you, take a look at Sports Illustrated tablet demo:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It may possibly even be true of the year 2010 that finally Britain will stop importing cheap, shoddy Chinese goods and decide to make cheap, shoddy goods again for its own internal market... Surely this has to be some sort of advance in basic human nature when confronted with the obvious fact of producing international piles of new waste?