Avid readers of our blog will know that one of our very first posts explains the reasoning behind our ox logo:
'The winged ox is the icon of St. Luke - the apostle we named our company after. We wanted a name that brought the ideas of creativity and curing together and St. Luke is patron saint of both artists and doctors. A bit grandiose - but there are very few problems out there that human creativity can't remedy.'
The big man himself

This approach runs through the veins of the agency and is something we wanted to extend across our blog, with this in mind, we have renamed it Oxblood (celebration, applause, fanfare etc etc).
As ever, the same rules apply...
1) All posts should encourage conversation
2) All comments should be constructive
3) Be sensible - don't reveal anything confidential
4) Respect the poster - don't edit or delete unless it contravenes the laws above
5) Post your name!
6) Mind your language
We hope you like it, do come and visit and let us know what you think.
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