While they're settling in at their new desks, we thought we'd probe a bit and get the obligatory group photo!

from left to right Laura, Mary, Hannah, Claire, Rachel
Where have you joined us from?
Claire and Laura: Grey Possible.
Mary: Temporarily working at KitCattNohr.
Hannah: RKCR/Y&R as a planner working on Danone and Land Rover.
Rachel: Elvis.
What creative work has got your attention at the moment?
Laura: Three’s #HolidaySpam campaign.
Mary: Carlsberg spoof of the ‘beach body ad’. I thought it was well executed- even made me smile.

Claire: Creative pre rolls from GEICO.

Hannah: Uber Rush, where they’re planning on getting drivers to multitask their regular taxi service with same-day goods deliveries at no extra charge. Will be interesting to see if and how it works but it’s a genius idea to grow their service and undercut competitors.

Rachel: I’m loving the ‘this girl can’ campaign for Sport England- they hit exactly the right tone, inclusive and inspiring, makes me want to get my running shoes on!

Tell us something amusing about yourself (nothing work related please!)
Laura: I once sang for the Queen in a choir when I was 10.
Claire: I’m a descendant from a Victorian circus family.
Mary: I like trying to fit into small spaces. Personal best is a washing machine, the kind you find in launderette.
Hannah: I wish I was more gangsta. I used to have a bad habit of shaving a slit in my eyebrow when I got drunk and can rap all the words to Jay Z and Lil Wayne – A Billie.
Rachel: I like hula hooping... will that do?
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