However, as well as the official activity, an array of brilliant election related parody sites have also appeared. Here are some of the best...
1. David Cameron anecdote generator – simply click the button and find out who David Cameron has been talking to.

2. Domestic policy – Ikea have designed 3 kicthens whose designs are inspired by candidate. Choose from a Brun, Kamerun or Kleggi.

3. Ladbrooks viral – Watch Tony Blair placing a bet on the outcome of the election.

Facebrushed - Parody site simulates what David Cameron's Facebook status updates may have been in his University days.

5. Save the Children viral game - Each animated party leader hold a baby and players upload their pictures into the infant’s face, then choose whether to pester, pee on or peck their chosen leader.

6. Slapometer – Created by Albion London, players can in indulge in giving your candidate of choice a good slap.