On a whim I decided to take a little trip to Beirut. They have to my surprise a really cool underground music scene and i was quite keen to check it out. Whilst strolling down a side street in downtown Beirut, I happened upon a piece of 'Banksy' stencil style street art with the witty caption: "Art Is For Everyone Except Ugly People". As there was a luxury Mercedes Parked directly underneath, I'm inclined to think it really is a Banksy. What other street artist can afford a Merc for a getaway car?:)
My next favorite pic is of the 'Jealousy Mosaic'. This mosaïc decorated the entrance of a wealthy home located at the heart of Byzantine Beirut. The purpose of the inscription,Envy is an evil; it has beauty however/ it eats out the eyes and the heart of the envious, was to protect the inhabitants against envy and evil.
So naturally the next step to guard against the evil eye would be to hook yourself up with a 'Hamsa' a hand shaped talisman The hamsa was a bit pricey but totally worth it. It looks fantastic! Evil Eye be gone!
Delphina x
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