Last night, during the England v Germany match (where we disappointingly lost 0-1), one regular guy stepped up to a challenge. Not during the match, but in the half time ad break in our latest Strongbow challenge.
The Football Challenge is specifically aimed at getting those guys who always claim they could have scored that missed penalty to step up and prove it. Whether it's your mate, brother, boyfriend, husband, or dad - we all know a bloke who likes to shout at the TV and think they could do better. Our guy, Jared Aransibia, was chosen from thousands of applicants, to prepare for a once in a lifetime opportunity of scoring a penalty 'for England' against our fiercest football rivals Germany.

Jared was mentored by legendary former England player and Coach Stuart Pearce and he underwent two days of intense training which saw his stamina levels pushed to the limit by fitness coach and former Olympic sprinter Ade Mafe. This was topped off with a session by leading sports psychologist Dan Abrahams who helped mentally prepare Jared for his 12 yard challenge. He faced Hamburg’s German international goalkeeper Rene ‘Iron Man’ Adler on his home turf in the epic surroundings of the Berlin Olympic stadium.
Sam Fielding, Strongbow Marketing Manager comments "This week’s game between Germany and England was the perfect opportunity for us to introduce Jared's challenge to football fans across the country. Jared stepped up to a once in a lifetime opportunity alongside Coach Stuart Pearce that provided us with some fantastic and engaging content people will love to watch.”
Stuart Pearce said: "We all watch a game from the comfort of our sofa and think we can do better, take that corner or score that penalty. We can all talk a good game but there aren’t many times you get the opportunity to 'walk the walk'. Jared was armed with all the physical and mental tools to score the penalty but the rest was up to him.”
The trailer as aired can be viewed from the image above, and full content following Jared’s journey along with the result of the penalty is live on now.
So, what are you waiting for?