In classic triumph-over-tragedy broadsheet-featurette style, director Jamie Jay Johnson came up with the idea for this film after a horrific car accident that left him with two severly crushed legs.
Whilst stuck at home learning to walk again, he stumbled across the charming Junior Eurovision and spotted the opportunity to tell the contestants' stories. So he got up and travelled around Europe finding the little heartbreakers who would make good watching. Have a look at the trailer
It's being lauded as the next slumdog/ lil' miss sunshine, and Jonathan Ross described it as a "burst of cynicism free europop.".
JJ tells me he applied for a job here when he came out of art school. I think we might have missed out on this one...
Jamie is doing a Q&A at the Brixton Ritzy on Thursday night, and again at the Curzon Soho on Saturday night. I recommend you go. If you can't get down there to see it, buy the soundtrack.
No I'm not kidding. Emily