It seemed like any normal day. Equipped with brollys and bowler hats thanks to impending bad weather these city workers looked like any other.
Apart from one big difference - they were missing their clothes.
Clad in only their underwear and t-shirts bearing the strapline 'Have you seen my-wardrobe.com?', semi-naked men took to the streets this morning to promote the launch of my-wardrobe.com's new men's range.
Old ladies blushed, builders smirked and generally, most people simply stared as the men took a tour of Liverpool Street station, Bank, St Paul's and after a quick coffee break to warm up, the Millenium Bridge.
The experiential activity was the first piece of work St Luke's have done for mw whose offering includes menswear designers Paul Smith London, Vivienne Westwood and McQ.

well done everyone, an excellent example of no-budget ingenuity. Between this and daily aphorism we are creating a new genre.
I've just had an email from a friend in Dublin saying he's seen a picture of me standing next to a bunch of semi-naked men. Looks like its getting out there then.
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