Friday, 19 December 2008
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Tache Off 2009
Calling all Tom Selleck, Burt Reynolds and Ian Botham fans - we're holding a 2009 Tache off!!
It begins on 6th Jan and will end on Fri 23rd where a panel of judges will announce the winner for 2009.
Please come in on Tues 6th clean shaven so pictures can be taken (don't worry, we'll remind people on the 5th).
It's been agreed that you can grow a beard and groom the tache on the final day incase any of you feel embarrassed having a tache for so long - but we'd obviously prefer it if everyone sports their tache from start to finish.
Oh, and it goes without saying that girls can enter too.
Christmas frollicking
Oh yes, it's Christmas and the annual agency fight to prove just how crazy, creative, brilliant and brave we all are has begun. You already know about our offering, but here's a few others of my faves this year.
Wunderman have produced their very own rodeo, which my best mate Eliza Flynn came a rubbish 8th in - nice posing eli fly. All the proceeds from the flailing limbs go to this charity.
Saachi released this Christmas vid to show how charitable they are. Very touching - our Angela Donno nearly cried when she watched it.
Last year, AKQA's Christmas card was my favourite - the running hamster was ace, this year they've done tech-craft number with a whole bunch of microwaves - heart-warming stuff.
Has anyone seen any others? It'd be great to have a record of all of the good ones.

Following Mills and Boon's recent appointment of St. Luke's to develop its first advertising campaign in six years, Guardian Media has challenged its readers to come up with their own ideas for the campaign.
Suggestions so far include a reality TV show where the winner stars in the next M&B book. St. Luke's Creative Director Al Young is currently undecided whether Guardian Media Ed Stephen Brook's creation Caspar Campbell-Jones should have his own starring role in the campaign.
Mills and Boon, which sells 7 million books in the UK each year, has also tasked St. Luke's with redesigning the iconic book covers.
st luke's
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Global Snowball Fight
After much blood, sweat and tears the St Luke's 2008 Christmas e-card is finally up and running!
Big thanks to all those involved especially Enrique and Borja who have been absolute legends in sorting this out, working into the wee wee hours for the past few nights. The hard work has definitely paid off guys!
Visit to throw personalised snowballs at your family and friends.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Blogscotch 14: School of Life

By the way, if you are an obsessive completist and the numerical gaps in Blogscotch are anoyimng you, then check blogscotch the blog. You could even be the first to comment!
Thursday, 11 December 2008
A Very Wooly Christmas At St Lukes
Never ones to conform, our Christmas tree is not a Fir or fibre optic or even made of feathers.....
A couple of years ago we commissioned knitting needle expert artist Lauren Porter to create a one off tree complete with roaring fire wooly presents and decorations. It sits in pride of place every year in the hub, check her website below for more knitted treats.

Nobody know's who it was, but he must've been mighty brave putting himself on the line like that - how many people have the confidence (audacity?) to get into a power station turbine and know they won't be hurt if they shut it down?
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
An amnesty on crisis

I was watching the news last night - sorry in advance for the rant - but I was increasingly annoyed by the overuse of the word "crisis". In a half an hour broadcast I counted 34 uses of the word.
This is what wikipedia said a crisis means: "A crisis (plural: crises) may occur on a personal or societal level. It may be a traumatic or stressful change in a person's life, or an unstable and dangerous social situation, in political, social, economic, military affairs, or a large-scale environmental event, especially one involving an impending abrupt change."
Granted some things warrant the use of the word - famine, war, oil spills, nuclear leaks, genocide. The Greek violent protests maybe, the war in the Congo probably. Some vague worries about Pork in Ireland being infected with bacteria that you'd have to consume in quantities so large that you'd die of your stomach exploding before you could expose yourself to enough bacteria to get a mild stomach ache - not a crisis. Gordon Ramsey's marriage? Crisis? I think not.
It didn't help that the dour BBC delivery makes everything sound much more serious than they really are. My point is, if we use language like this for the most banal of events, how are we to recognize a crisis when it really happens? I call for an amnesty on the word.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
BLOGSCOTCH 11: pedals

Still messing around on things I found Boss virtual pedals. They sound great and look even better. Try the acoustic ones.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
BLOGSCOTCH 10: vintage automatics

From Spitting Image I hopped to things magazine, which was set up by some V&A amd RCA historians in 1994 in the belief that objects can open up new ways of understanding the world. If that sentiment ever needed validation then one only has to hop over to automatic washer where vintage automatic washers, driers and dishwashers to be found alongside restorations, video clips of the machines working, a cyber-museum, a patent-of-the-day feature, pictures of a graveyard for automatics called Aberdeen Farm and even a sister site called Vacuum Land. Life is good.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Another Podcast For Your Ears
This week we had a very cultural morning, armed with cookies and warm coats we were all ushered to our courtyard here at the agency where we were treated to a performance courtesy of The Place school for contemporary dance.Leon, Katie and Danni had choreographed a site specific dance routine lasting around 10 minutes. I caught up with them afterwards to find out what it was all about.
You SHOULD be subscribed by now but if not head to
For those who missed it do not fear, Simon was there with his trusty camera so watch this space....
Lucy x
You SHOULD be subscribed by now but if not head to
For those who missed it do not fear, Simon was there with his trusty camera so watch this space....
Lucy x
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Ticking Noise
Found this over at cracked unit. It has had 54million hits and thoroughly deserves every single one.
BLOGSCOTCH 9: obituary

next up is Spitting Image . Unfortunately this blogger has died, here is his obituary:
John was a long time contributor to News of the Weird, coconspirator and eventually primary blogger behind, and the author of the original and brilliant Overheard Starbuck. Readers of this blog knew John as a generous sharer of information and a keen observer of American culture, and anyone who had the pleasure of receiving his e-mail valued him as a wise and honest friend. John was proud of the accumulation of this site, which shall remain, a spark of light among the constellations. I will dearly miss him."
Kind of sad but glad I came across it.
Overheard Starbuck is worth a look. It does exactly what it says on the tin and is full of gems like this:
"He had motive and opportunity."---"And you have a tv set on which you watch cop shows. Seriously--who the hell talks like that?"
and this:
"It's almost like not being in a cult at all."
I love that.
Advert for student advertising festival: Ad eaters
Ad eaters is a night where students can gorge themselves on the best commercials in the world.
Beautifully made film by Catherine Farrow. The same director who made the lovely C4 trail with Marco Pierre White. That also involved gorging. Turn the sound up.
Cool Coin.

It's got so many ideas going on in such a small place. Click the link for more details.
This ad is one of the most effective things I've seen in a long time - thought-provoking, challenging and, crucially, makes you act straight away - especially when it comes to digital execution.
As well creating a brilliant advert, Barnado's and creative agency BBH have thought about how the digital execution can work alongside the TV, and how technology can enhance the idea. As an industry first, The Guardian have agreed to host full-page HD video across their Society and education sections. The speeded up sequence repeats itself until you click on the ad - or until you intervene - giving the user real experience of how they can help. Et voila - ideas you can do!
Additionally, as soon as the ad was screened, chat rooms exploded with discussions about whether it was appropriate or effective. If Barnado's were clever, they would have had a team of seeders at the ready answering questions and powering the conversation to further propell the message.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Oh dear. Poor Woolworths continues to go through the Mill, as today their shares were suspended, whilst they try to make their way through rescue talks.
Am I the only one who thinks this is very very very sad? Woolies is part of our heritage (Ok, so it came from America, but that fact that we've all forgotten that says a lot). They are an integral part of the British high street, and the only place you can buy a Buzz Lightyear costume, a toaster, some Pix'n'Mix and a lawnmower all in the same place. WE CANNOT LET THEM FALL! WE MUST SAVE THEM.
I suggest we start a campaign to save Woolies. Everyone should commit to go into Woolies this weekend and buy one thing - whatever it is (and as we all know, it could be any number of things!). Pass this on to everyone you know, get it onto every blog and LET'S SAVE WOOLIES!
Am I the only one who thinks this is very very very sad? Woolies is part of our heritage (Ok, so it came from America, but that fact that we've all forgotten that says a lot). They are an integral part of the British high street, and the only place you can buy a Buzz Lightyear costume, a toaster, some Pix'n'Mix and a lawnmower all in the same place. WE CANNOT LET THEM FALL! WE MUST SAVE THEM.
I suggest we start a campaign to save Woolies. Everyone should commit to go into Woolies this weekend and buy one thing - whatever it is (and as we all know, it could be any number of things!). Pass this on to everyone you know, get it onto every blog and LET'S SAVE WOOLIES!
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
BLOGSCOTCH 8: tiny horse

It may not look it, but the horse is not a toy. According to the Mail, "the 15 in silver dun tovero was born 10 days ago" in Australia and will grow to 24 in.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Happy Birthday Divine!

Pa Pa Paa (that's means Best of the Best, in Twi, the language local to Kuapa KoKoo).

The ten techniques of advertising headlines
1. The Reveal
Misdirecting readers, then pulling the rug from under their feet.
“I never read the Economist” Management Trainee Aged 43.
2. The Q & A
A question that is answered by the body copy.
Ted Bundy. Jeffrey Dahmer. The Boston Strangler. How do you think they got their start?
3. The Curiosity Arouser
A phrase that draws you into the body copy.
We stole their land, their buffalo and their women. Then we went back for their shoes. Timberland.
4. The Double Entendre
A line with two distinct meanings, one of which is relevant to the proposition.
Ever heard people talking about their Volkswagens? They go on and on and on.
5. The Parody
A line that pastiches a well-known phrase and gives it a twist because of the brand.
If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit, join our club. The Edinburgh Club.
6. The Instruction
A headline that tells you how to interact with the rest of the ad.
To find out how quiet our new typewriter is, tap the keys on this page.
7. The Killer Fact
A single fact that conveys the entire meaning of the ad.
Two works of man are visible from space. The Great Wall of China and the fires raging in the rainforest.
8. The List of Three
A line that groups things into three, the third often contrasts the first two.
Delight Children. Impress Friends. Confuse Bumble Bees. Millets.
9. The Contrasting Pair
A line that exploits a contrast in two words.
They appear the same but disappear differently. Ford.
10. Alliteration
A line in which many of the words start with the same letter.
Flowers for the Fearless. Be brave not beige. Ikea.
(And an extra one in brackets) The extra bit in brackets.
An apparently straight line with a cheeky, more colloquial bit in brackets.
In advertising you’re allowed to exaggerate. (that explains the caravan) VW
Friday, 21 November 2008
"Blogging as a marketing tool is easier when you think of it as a chemical catalyst, not as a hammer and nail."

I was referred to this blog last night by one of the guest speakers at my last IPA session. It belongs to a self proclaimed professional blogger who works as a consultant providing insight into how blogging can effect advertising and marketing practices. Tying in with a previous post on our blog, he has set up the Microsoft blue monster blog that aims to facilitate an open relationship both with their employees and customers.
Perhaps even more noteworthy is his work for a S.African wine company Stormhoek. He claims that by utilising the blogsphere he has increased sales of their wine from 50,000 cases in 2005 to 250,000 in cases 2007. Check out his blog for more details, it’s definitely worth a read.
Think this is one worth adding to the blog roll...
Is Facebook Destroying the Planet?

Found this on the trendspotting blog. Facebook has 10 billion photos, uses 10,000 servers and has just borrowed $100m to purchase another 50,000 servers. Just to support the 300,000 images that are served every second, Facebook burns 38, 500 kw a second.
If Facebook were a nation it would be the 12th most populous in the world. The graph above shows its carbon footprint versus major US cities.
So, is social networking sustainable?
social media
BLOGSCOTCH 7: TV-B-Gone goes open source

Remember TV-B-Gone? It was a gadget that allowed you to turn off any telly, great for those pubs which have TV's flickering away depsite no-one watching them, especially when they are playing music videos which bear no relation to the music actually playing in the pub.
It was invented by a bloke called Mitch Altman and, after discovering 'hackers' had been building the gadget into hats, mobile phones and even a long range sniper model, he has made the firmare open source. Which is nice.
Found this by hopping to posthuman blues and then to a blog entry which took me to gizmo
BLOGSCOTCH 6: Forget dan's Wii laptop, the future is in the past

This is steampunk. Basically sci-fi set in the age of steam power. I found it on edgetrends, a link from the Vividians.
The movie City of Ember was seemingly "the best steampunk allegory" for many a year
Time to hop
Surrounding the product with culture

How do musicians combat music piracy? It seems to depend upon the audience. Radiohead famously allowed their fans to decide for themselves how much they should pay for their last album. Both Bob Dylan and Miles Davis (well, his record company) have went the other way and released very expensive editions with loads of extras. £90 was what Dylan asked for a deluxe 3 CD edition of his Tell Tale Signs album including a 150-page book, a bonus disc of tracks on top of the regular edition and an exclusive 7" vinyl if you ordered direct from his website The first 5000 customers were also given a Theme Time Radio Hour poster.
Sony BMG have just released a 50th anniversary edition of Davis's Kind of Blue which includes out-takes, DVD footage, fold out pictures, essays and a 12 in vinyl original. It costs £50.
While this can be explained to a certain extent by Dylan and Davis having older, boomer audiences with cash to spare, even today. I think there's something more going on here. Matt Mason, the bloke mentioned earlier who wrote The Pirate's Dilemma, talks of how the producers of Heroes created so many income stream s around the show that the impact of DVD pirate's was negated.
Why will people pay so much for something that they can get for free? Because, It's not just about the basic product, the movie or the show, it's about all the culture that surrounds it.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
BlogScotch 5: Last of Vividians

OK, i got a bit stuck in the last blog because there was no blogroll to hop from. I rummaged around in his Last.FM friends list and his delicious page but to no avail. My breakthrough came today when Tom (remember, he is Tom too or 2) very helpfully posted this link to the Vividian Design Movement. Now, i had heard of Light Greens (green is the new black types) and Dark Greens (back to the dark ages types) but I had never heard of Bright Greens. Bright Greens believe that the planet can be saved by better design, new technologies and innovation. I like the sound of this lot.
Anyway, the Vividians are among the original bright greens. Or were. For this site is their reuquiem: "After the years transpiring – various disasters, wars, financial collapses and a major change in political tone – the world has become a different place.It remains only to close the Viridian episode gracefully"
I did like this piece of par though: "I strongly recommend that you carry a multitool. ...It's a set of possible creative interventions in your immediate material environment. That is why you want a multitool. They are empowering."
anyway, he also mentioned something called Steam Punk...
The key is finding something that people really want to talk about....
No matter what that might be.... here's an article on the BBC News website, about a model who doesn't have a belly button. On most of their articles there's a place at the bottom where you can comment. As far as I can tell no one bothers to comment on 90% of the mainstream articles. but check out on the number of people who want to talk the lack of a belly button....
Just wanted to share my wonder.
Just wanted to share my wonder.
Technology on the dancefloor
Dance label Minus records are pioneers of all things digital went it comes to the world of electronic . Over the past few years they have combined cutting edge technology to add to the experience of the listener as well as push the possibilities of the music itself. Their recent tour has pushed the envelope that little bit further by installing a physical feature in the centre of the dancefloor called the cube that interacts with people as they dance. Part of this interaction is facilitated by an application for the iphone available from the website that allows you to text the cube which in turn spells out your message in LEDs. Additionally, exclusive Minus records content can be downloaded from the cube via LAN and bluetooth technology whilst youre clubbing.
check out for further details.
check out for further details.
Forget Emily's laptop, I want one of these

Cmon Andrew, Wii's don't cost that much....
Dan H
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
As seen in Japan
A few of you may know that I spent a bit of time in Japan recently. I thought I would post some of the wierd and wonderful things that are happening over there.
The Akihabara district is the electronic district in Tokyo and is home to everything Manga and Anime. One of the wierest things is the explosion of Maid cafes where "men who are too shy to have girlfriends" - The Otaku - go to have a cup of coffee. The waitresses are dressed as in the picture and are deliberately nice to the men. The girl on the left is dressed as a nun and if you go to her cafe she will bless you and read bits of the bible to you!
The men often struggle to deal with their emotions in their interchanges with the maids. to cover their embarrassment when they can't think of anything to say they simply exclaim: "MO-E".
There is nothing sexual beyond the short-ish skirt. In some cafes they might give you a foot massage or clean your ears! - a sign of intimacy in Japan. But mostly it is about role-playing. The girls will act out anime characters. For example, one character is "mean to you, but you know she likes you". Another is "anti-capability". She will be deliberately bad at serving you because she is not trying to impress you with her skills, but rather appeal to you through purity of heart. There is a girl who will cut your hair badly using a child's scissors for $100. She's booked up weeks in advance.
And if you are thinking this is all a bit male oriented think again. The latest phenomenon is Butler cafes, where girls dress as boys and are nice to women. They are queueing round the block for that one.
Do people watch ads when they are fast forwarding?

A client asked the other day if ads were less effective now because they are being fast forwarded. This study reported in The Economist suggests that actually people concentrate harder when they are using the fast forward button instead of ignoring ads as they used to! For best effect though the brand has to be placed in the centre of the screen. There is no time to have to find it on the screen. Should we make all our TV now so they work on fast forward?
Do you speak GOOGLISH?

Google, iPhone and the Future of Machines That Listen
How do you talk to a search engine? In Googlish, of course.
Google’s new speech recognition service for the iPhone, was released on Monday, understands you most accurately when you speak to it just the way you enter queries into the Google search box. That makes sense, because the system’s accuracy comes from the billions and billions of typed queries that Google has recorded over the years.
Google’s voice search software for iPhones. (Peter DaSilva for The New York Times)
So don’t bother with polite formalisms like “What is the best pizza restaurant in San Francisco?” Simply say “best pizza restaurant San Francisco.”
The accuracy is far from 100 percent, and probably not even 95 percent, in the past decade, however, progress has accelerated. The stakes seem to be very high and there are a number of big and small players. The search giants Google, Microsoft and Yahoo all believe speech recognition is a prerequisite for the era of mobile computing. And there are lots of others including I.B.M., Nuance and Vlingo that are developing speech technology.
Their aim is to enable us to eventually be able to interact with our phone like we do with our friends - watch this space!
Microsoft embracing social networking
Microsoft has announced the introduction of a new version of its Windows Live software, offering similar features to social networking sites such as Facebook.
Microsoft said the new software will offer greater integration, as email, instant messaging and photos will be collated together on one page.
The most notable difference, however, is the new software's ability to show updates from other social networking sites, allowing users to aggregate information from the various sites they may have accounts with.
The news follows research by e-Dialog that showed 19 per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds cite their social networking email as their primary account, with the same number preferring marketing messages to be targeted there.
The new Windows Live Services is due to be rolled out in the US over the coming weeks, before being made available worldwide early next year.
social media
Let go to stimulate word of mouth
Oasis have recently taught buskers throughout NYC how to play the tracks off their new album. Another example of unconventional marketing practices slowly becoming the norm, and a great example of brands/bands increasing willingness to let go of control to stimulate buzz and eWOM.
BlogScotch 4: Bike Hero
Tom led me to this one take piece - bloke plays guitar hero with his bike. This is very difficult according to Tim C.
Must admit I'm having trouble getting away from this site as there is no blogroll.
BlogScotch 3: An iPod Developer

So next I find Tom (I don't think its our Tom) This Tom is learning to become an iPhone developer. He has developed a version of I am near for the phone. He says: "After a few hours I’ve got a native version of i am near working, which performs a similar function to the site, but with the ability to fetch the user’s location directly from the iPhone. It’s simple, but effective."
It's quite good actually. The photo is pubs nearby.
BlogScotch 2: Cozy Powell on vinyl
This is lovely. Found it on magic nihilism. Nothing happens, it just plays to the end. But doesn't it look beautiful?
improv team at JFK

For those of you that liked the Grand Central and Trafalgar Square flash mobbing...
These guys set up a welcome home group at JFK and surprised a few strangers.
Interesting iPhone app from our friends at Bauer

Grazia have launched their 'Grazia Live at Westfield' application for the iPhone, which not only gives users access to the latest content from the brand, but also links into their experiential activities at the new mall. It shows how brands can add value to mobile users on an ongoing basis, and from Apple's perspective engages an audience who so far have probably been left cold by the iPhone's beer simulators and tech demos.
BlogScotch 1: Computers behind Blogs

Ian Tait has set up a Flickr groups called Computers Behind Blogs. It is basically photos of the computers bloggers use to write their blogs. It is quite enchanting and a little bleak, the lack of people in many shots creates a feeling of loneliness.
the photo is of my gubbed old macbook and emily's lovely new one (It's really not fair)
Introducing BlogScotch

These silly pictures are getting boring, we need some right good postings on the site so I've invented a new game, it's called BlogScotch (note the digi-friendly cap letter in the middle of the word.)
The idea is simple, pick any site on the blogroll, go there, find something good, steal it and post it here then go to that persons blog roll, click on someone at random and do it again.
An unscary spider
Its Web of Light is suspended between the buildings of a pedestrianised square in the middle of the city and has been drawing the crowds in recent weeks.
Unfortunately the body wasn't fully lit when I was there so click on the link to see the spider in its full glory...
A couple of streets away and even more astonishing is the spinning building described as “the most daring piece of public art ever commissioned in the UK”. In a derelict former Yates' Wine Lodge, sculptor Richard Wilson cut out a large section of the front and through the magic of mechanical engineering, has rotated it on a pivot like a huge opening/closing window. See Turning the Place Over in action here...
Geek Chic

If anyone out there has a fetish for cool T-shirts a new boutique fashion label has launched called I am Colin - inspired by geeks. Prints include a cassette tape being wound by a biro, a y-fronts and cross bones logo and a guy with a caravan head.
A bit of insider info for you guys - The site's soundtrack was created as a joke on a speak and spell and since the site's launch the designer has been contacted by a London club to do a guest DJ performance! Very Nathan Barley
The T-Shirts are available only online currently, but will shortly be out in various trendy London boutiques.
And as a shameless plug, all the shots for the AW08 campaign and the site were shot by me on a very funny Sunday a couple of weekends back.
check it out at
art + design
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
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