I couldn't resist the tiny horse. Posthuman Blues comprised a treasure trove of alien related sites and blogs. Among them was the strange
Aberrant News who carried this story from that very weird paper
The Daily Mail. about something very much of this planet, but still strange.
It may not look it, but the horse is not a toy. According to the Mail, "the 15 in silver dun tovero was born 10 days ago" in Australia and will grow to 24 in.
I love the tiny horse! Can we get one? He can live up here. We can have a tiny stable and get tiny people to deliver messages between us. Sorry if that's wildly inappropriate and polically incorrect.
I thought the idea of blogscotch was to avoid pictures of animals??
That's my Christmas presents sorted.
I know, I know but it is tiny wee horsey. who could avoid that.
Maybe not just your xmas Nick. You know, if Woolies could get some tiny horses their problems could be over.
You broke your own rule Phil. We can have tiny animals, but not animals dressed up as hot dogs. I don't have a problem with either, but some clarity on your thinking would be good!
ha Phil - you will succumb to lol cats eventually!
can we get a giant overgrown doormouse to contrast with the tiny wee horsey?
So true. i hang my head in shame. The only thing I can say in my defence is the wee horsey got 7 comments, which is more than the previous 7 posts together.
Yes, but most of the comments about your horse are actually about your anti-animal picture censorship. Blog free or die!
Perhaps we need an analyse/ bully Phil blog.
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