We all need somewhere to retreat to when things all get too much. So when you talk to me and I seem far away, this is where I'll be. If not in body, then in mind. Away with the fairies, on another planet, spaced out, daydreaming ... we all do it. Where are you when you're far away?
underwater. i go underwater, drifting along a wall of tropical reef at 20 metres or so. shoals of colourful fish flick past me. Sharks and rays glide on the white sand bottom way below. al
nice. I go far, far away from all people. Maybe to a warm dark cosy room with white walls and nothing to look at except maybe a fire. Away from clutter, away from noise, away from distraction.
i set the controls for the heart of the sun and disapear in a flood of golden light.
alternatively, i nip down the boozer.
I never go back to one specific place. I normally drift back to memories of various things - massaged in a open cave looking out on the Indian Ocean, rolling around in the long grass with a lover, letting my hair down with friends at Glastonbury, being in Scotland to see my twin tie the knot, cruising in a convertible down the Florida Keys.... There's a common trend here of me not being at home!
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