Not the bit about the war and the blitz but the wholesome, practical clean living side of the 40’s. Village fetes (or Brunswick Fete’s), home baking (Patten’s Cakes); knitting; Woman’s Institute, allotments, burlesque, afternoon tea and stripping parties; Dig for Victory vegetable plots in St James’s Park; steam train trips; Real Ale for its wholesome goodness and low level of alcohol; and A.L. Kennedy’s novel Day winning the Costa award.
1 comment:
yeah, and I think dixieland, swing, big band and jazz are on their way back too. We've been wearing tea dresses for a while and Roland Mouret dresses (figure hugging pencil skirt dresses) have graced catwalks and highstreets for seasons.
I was thinking about all these trends - the one that hasn't bounced back in awhile is the future trend. We did the jetsons in the '70s and the supernatural in the '90s - maybe we're due for another future/ space trend. Especially now the space race is back on.
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