According to a recent survey, it's the time we are most creative. Personally, I'm almost comatose by that time (unless alcohol is involved and then the coma is delayed 'til at least 3) and I get most 'eureka!' moments first thing in the morning - normally still half asleep staring out the bus window passing over Waterloo bridge. The least creative time in the day is 4.33pm, with 92 per cent of people admitting to feeling uninspired in the afternoon - more ammunition for compulsory afternoon naps.
And having a shower is the best way of getting those creative synapses firing. The research also showed that 58 per cent of people forget their best ideas by failing to write them down immediately, although women are more successful at keeping note of their brainwaves - it's a good thing Lucy just ordered in a bucket load of stationary then. Pens at the ready...
Dreaming, running, talking, drinking... what are you doing when you have your best 'Eureka!' moments?
I must admit I've normally hit the "dull"drums come 4.30pm and completely in favour of afternoon naps. I've heard there's a revival of afternoon tea in this country too - maybe some egg & cress sarnies and scones before we drift off to dreamland? A light cycle to the station an hour later invigorates me just enough on my way home to tackle Metro's sodokus before falling asleep, but I do get a second wind in the evening. If I have control of the tv remote in the week, I'll watch something to stimulate my mind from the 'news and documentary' section (no, not American Choppers!), or I tend to be out participating in some sort of sport (whether kicking a 6ft 6inch bloke up the arse because he's just elbowed me is classed as "creative" though is up for discussion!). I am a stickler for not jotting ideas down - and twice as bad at remembering them. My eureka moments are definitely in the morning, but I guess if I'm in the shower at 10.04pm without a pen and pad there's no hope?!
yeah, someone needs to invent waterproof notepads. Or maybe whiteboards in the shower.
my most creative moments are whilst I am asleep. I dream of fantastical fashion garments, amazing comedy skits, brilliant scenes for scripts. Then I wake up - write them down...look at them in the cold light of day...and realise, that in fact...they are cr*p. Until I dream of them again...
I've had some great ideas sitting in a church. I'm not religious but there is nothing like popping into an empty church for proper peace and quiet. It got me thinking that there could be a way of creating ideas that are the opposite of brainstorms. Everyone sits in silence for half an hour all thinking about the same problem. At the end of the session everyone writes down their best idea. Might be worth a try? Neil
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